What We Believe
We adhere to and are in agreement with Network 220’s doctrinal statement as follows:
We believe in:
The absolute and verbal inspiration of the inerrant, infallible Bible, both Old and New testaments, a perfect, final authority.
The only true and living God - eternal, infinite, unchangeable, existing in three persons.
The essential deity, eternal existence, virgin birth, sinless life, physical resurrection from the dead and literal physical return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The deity and personality of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Holy Trinity, who is the Supernatural Agent in regeneration, baptizing believers into the body of Christ, indwelling, infilling, and sealing them unto the day of redemption.
The existence and activity of a host of spiritual beings both good (angels) and evil (demons); the evil one being led by Satan.
The creation of mankind, out of the dust of the earth, by God in HIs own image and likeness, which results in man being both material and immaterial, consisting of spirit, soul and body.
The fall of mankind in Adam and the universal depravity of the human race resulting in the guilty and lost condition of all men everywhere outside of Christ.
The absolute necessity of salvation by grace through personal faith in the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ, resulting in all true believers thus saved being kept saved forever.
The believer being able to live the Christian life in the present through the appropriation of the “exchanged life.”*
The church - a spiritual organism made up of all believers, finding its expression in local organized groups, being the primary agent of God in the world.
The physical resurrection of all men - the saints to everlasting joy and bliss, the lost to everlasting torment.
*An expansion of the statement of the “exchanged life”:
We believe that the believer partakes of eternal life (Christ’s life) at the time of new birth, that identification with Christ in His crucifixion, burial, resurrection and ascension brought the death of the “old man” and the life of the “new man.” this may become a decision to lose one’s life (total surrender) and to appropriate the Christ life by faith, and is continuously revealed by abiding in the Spirit and pursuing holiness. Victorious living is Christ living His life through the believer by the believer’s faith and obedience under the Holy Spirit.
We do not teach passivity, sinless perfection, or the deification of man.
NETWORK 220 Network 220 (named after Galatians 2:20 and formerly known as The Association of Exchanged Life Ministries) is an international network of more than 110 churches, counseling ministries, and training ministries throughout the United States and beyond. Each ministry is unique, with training and various conferences and seminars designed to build you up in the life-changing message of your new identity in Jesus Christ!
Through the Network 220 website, you can get connected with friends, ministries, and churches who share a passion for the life-changing message in the Gospel. This site offers general information about the network, details about our upcoming convention, recommended reading and a large index of our 110+ office locations.